One of the biggest question which floods the mind of a person during his/her transition from teenager to adult is "which stream is to be pursued??","what career needs to be chosen?" and the most important one is "how to figure out the right career ??". All these questions are obvious to pop up and fortunately is also one of the signs of you growing in your life!, so lets discuss the complete mess of career in the simplest words we can. We will be dividing the discussion into three parts or you can say the three fundamentals of understanding i.e. WHAT?, WHY? and HOW?. So lets get started....


             A career can be defined as an individuals professional journey in a specific path where he/she learns, trains and works in that path specifically for his/her livelihood. The career paths can be one or many but this is a long term process in which one utilizes his/her major part of life, which is why it is necessary to choose one such career which you enjoy pursuing. Below shown is the professional life span in a normal human life.


             Career is a vital part of human life in todays age. One needs to pursue his/her career in the best way possible to meet all their basic to luxury needs. In simple words career provides an individual with social respect, status, money and accessibility to almost all things one wishes to achieve. Career in the field of your interest i.e. where the person loves his/her work even if it takes them to do it on daily basis, adds one aspect of happiness in a major period of your life. This makes clear the need to choose a career and its importance in human life.


              Now, as you understood what is career and why is it important, lets proceed to how to choose a career. This topic is in the discussion only because of one problem faced by generations of people regarding their career and that problem is choosing a wrong career being in the influence of others; because of being spontaneous while making the decision or be it any reason. Wrong decisions related to choosing the career path leads to forcefully pursuing the career just for the sake of money and status but the consequences faced due to this are huge which include stress, fatigue, unhappy life etc. but the one which needs to be focused on is that one even does not perform to his/her top potential and settles down for less. Now, when it comes to choosing career you need to think of the point of working in the same field for 20 - 30 years down the line where it is important for an individual to enjoy the work or the path/journey.
          Here, the question arises that how can one recognize his/her area of interest to pursue the career. For this the answer is as simple as complex it sounds i.e. EXPERIMENTATION. Experimentation here can be simply defined as implementing all sort of ideas and doing all sort of work which you find interesting, this is the only way to find the field which best suits you. In the early stages of life (where you are yet to handle responsibilities.) you can perform all sort of experiments in your life you wish to do, so remember its never late to start. All huge businesses, ideals and discoveries that people including you admire started with experimentation. The idea of experimentation is long proven and still gets proved on a daily basis. 
           Once you choose your career path, the rest of the journey becomes part of your life and considering your decision to be the right one, your healthy career path and happy going journey will definitely result in fast linearly growing career. In a nutshell one right decision will bless you with a happier life where you pursue your career path with your top potential. Money, status, respect and all other things are the bi-products. 

                'Career'  this small and simple looking word  holds major importance in a human life. Your life is the result of your actions and decisions, so take your decisions wisely and when it comes to career which holds this major role, the decision needs to be taken completely by the individual without being in any influence or spontaneity but by trying out things and choosing the one which satisfies him/her with almost all aspects of life and helps him/her perform to his/her maximum potential.

     Remember, you are different (you are unique) which means your need, sources of motivation, likes, dislikes, area of interest, everything is different. 
     Trust your life with your choices and actions and start working my friend. SOMETHING HUGE IS WAITING FOR YOU!!!!          

Have you thought of any idea or work ? What is your sure source of motivation???